Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Counseling Advice, Exploration And Assistance - 907 Words

Step IV: Advice, Exploration and Assistance Mentoring - Business mentors are advisers, counselors, or guides who have business knowledge and experiences and are willing to provide advice and guidance and assistance. They are people with specific expertise, knowledge and business relationships. A business mentor normally has extensive business experience or is knowledgeable in a particular business area, such as finance or marketing and is willing to share what they know with those who ask for assistance. They provide a source of expertise, experience and support and serve as advisers and role models for mentees. They share their knowledge, experience, and can be valuable sources of information at any stage of your company s growth. Most business mentors have solid business experience, they recognize the challenges that businesses face and serve as valuable mentors for solving issues or conflicts. Business mentors work with you in a supportive way and have many benefits for your business and for you personally. Some of the many benefits that may be relevant to you are: Focus on your agenda Discuss your business with you Ask your questions to widen your understanding Listen to you Provide feedback Bring a different perspective Help you sort out the many and complex issues of running a business Share their knowledge and experience with you Support, motivate and inspire you Offer an outside perspective on both you and your business Listen, confidentially, to the thingsShow MoreRelatedReflection Paper On Life Philosophy1246 Words   |  5 Pages and beliefs cloud my care for others. Self-exploration and discovery should help to keep me from imposing my belief system upon those that I care for. The personal values and experiences I have developed over time will enable me to honestly empathize with many diverse cultural belief systems. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Kidney Stone Formation Due to Patients’ Lifestyle Free Essays

EPI 602 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTH RESEARCH Research Proposal RESEARCH PROPOSAL | PART A STATEMENT OF PROBLEM, RELEVANCE FIELD APPLICATION The kidney is an amazing organ. It makes urine and helps to control your blood pressure. It also keeps your bones strong and healthy, and controls manufacture of red blood cells. We will write a custom essay sample on Kidney Stone Formation Due to Patients’ Lifestyle or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, this organ is challenged with many diseases and complications. Thus, my Research Project is based on one of the most common problem: S KIDNEY STONE FORMATION A RESULT OF PATIENTS’ LIFE STYLE There has been an increase in the number of kidney stone cases at Diagnostic Specialist Medical Centre [DSM Centre, 2 Lodhia Street, Nadi Town] recently. Based on the records for the Year 2012, a tremendous increase in the number of new cases diagnosed with kidney stones was noted. Kidney Stones are increasingly becoming common health condition at DSM Centre Clinic. Therefore, this Research Project seeks to find out if kidney stone formation is just a medical complication or a result of patients’ lifestyle. Over a million people worldwide are diagnosed with Kidney Stones every year . . . PAGE 1 RESEARCH PROPOSAL | PART A STATEMENT OF PROBLEM, RELEVANCE FIELD APPLICATION WHERE IS THE PROBLEM OCCURING? Kidney Stone Disease is a worldwide phenomenon. For this project however, my research is based on patients attending DSM Centre, Nadi. WHO IS AFFECTED BY THE PROBLEM? Generally both genders and all age groups are affected. My sampling will be constrained on patients attending DSM Centre, aged 30 – 50 years. Upon completion, this research project will reveal, whether lifestyle of patients [aged 30 – 50 years visiting DSM Centre] contributes to kidney stone formation. WHAT SOLUTIONS HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT TO ERADICATE THE PROBLEM? WERE THEY SUCCESSFUL? Patient education and awareness programs in health centres and hospitals are implemented to inform the public about the condition and its consequences. However, with the increasing number of cases, indicates that these methods have not been as successful as intended. Through this research, numeric data will be obtained and analyzed to validate the above statement. RELEVANCE OF THE PROBLEM TO NATIONAL OR LOCAL ACTIVITIES: This research is relevant to the Programs administered by the Kidney Foundation of Fiji, who continue to raise public awareness aganist kidney diseases. The revelations from this project will substantiate their worthy cause. Never before Kidney Research has been so important! PAGE 2 RESEARCH PROPOSAL | PART A STATEMENT OF PROBLEM, RELEVANCE FIELD APPLICATION FIELD APPLICATION OF THE PROPOSED RESULTS The research result can be used in further awareness programs with evidences and recent figures relating to kidney stone formations and their causes. VARIOUS METHODS OF AWARENESS PROGRAMS CAN BE USED SUCH AS; KIDNEY FOUNDATION OF FIJI JOURNAL CLUB MEETINGS Results from this research can be sent to Kidney Foundation of Fiji in support of their awareness programs. DSM CENTRE WEBSITE Presentation of this research paper in Journal Club meetings will encourage medical professionals within the vicinity to join in the awareness program. MEDICAL CONFERENCES The entire research document can be uploaded on DSM Website for online readers. DSM NEWSLETTER Presentation of this research paper in Medical Conferences will encourage medical team nationally to participate in the awareness program. JOURNALS Publishing this research paper in form of an article in the DSM Newsletter â€Å"Your Doctor† will serve as introductory information to patients. POSTERS BROCHURES Publishing this research paper in form of an article will provide first hand information to readers, thus creating awareness. SOCIAL HUB The results can be tabulated and diagrammatically illustrated in posters and brochures placed in the waiting area of the clinics and hospitals for patient awareness. With tremendously revolutionizing digital world, Facebook pages and Twitter links can be created for this research paper to obtain maximum audience and hence awareness. New era . . . new challenges . . . new approach! PAGE 3 A Research on Patients’ Lifestyle Robin Rohnil Kumar S019059 | BMIS – DFL College of Medicine Health Sciences Fiji National University How to cite Kidney Stone Formation Due to Patients’ Lifestyle, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Rwanda Genocide Essay Example For Students

Rwanda Genocide Essay The Rwanda Genocide Essay In 1994 Rwanda was known for one of the worst genocides since the Holocaust. The very name is sketched into our histories consciousness as a place of evil and unimaginable pain. Between April and July 1994, more than 800,000 Tutsi civilians were brutally slaughtered in a genocidal campaign organized by Hutu hardliners. The world turned a blind eye to this small African nations suffering, despite the media reports and the legal international laws specifically designed to prevent genocide. On April 6,1994 the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana was killed in a plane crash along with Burundi President, Cyprien Ntaryamira. Within half an hour the Hutu began radio broadcasts calling for the destruction of the Tutsi. The genocide then began. Prior to the April 1994 crisis in Rwanda, General Dallaire, head of the UNAMIR mission, made repeated requests for more troops and equipment. He also asked for permission to confiscate known arms imports to protect civilians. All these requests were denied. On January 11, 1994, General Dallaire sent a cable to Kofi Annan, head of UN Peace Keepings that detailed credible evidence from a Rwandan government informer of a plan to kill Belgian UNAMIR troops and then murder all Tutsi living in Kigali. On May 3, 1994, President Clinton signed the Presidential Decision Directive (PDD 25), which set strict conditions on the U. S. military involvement in international peacekeeping operations. The rescue mission, Operation Turquoise Operation took place late June, and consisted of 2,330 French troops. Immediately, the troops began deployment into the humanitarian protection zone in southwest Rwanda. By July 1994, Tutsi dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front had succeeded in waging armed war against the Interhamwe, authors of the genocide, and capture Kigali. American History

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Issue of the American Identity

Those Europeans who established colonies at the new territories of America hoped to start the better life. The cultural and national diversity of the first settlers was discussed as the specific feature to characterize the new nation which began to form in America.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Issue of the American Identity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, the development of the American identity was the prolonged process, and it depended on the progress of new principles associated with the ideas of freedom and independence. The idea of American identity is discussed in the works of such authors as Henry David Thoreau, Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur, and Thomas Paine. In his Walden, Thoreau focuses on an American as a man seeking for closeness with the nature. Crevecoeur discusses the controversial question of being an American in his Letter III: What Is an American?. In his work The American C risis, Paine pays attention to the concepts which are important for an American as the representative of the new nation. In spite of the fact three authors concentrate on different significant features discussing the American identity, their ideas are similar in relation to the point that Americans are independent people and liberty is the main value for them. Emphasizing various aspects and details, Thoreau, Crevecoeur, and Paine provide their unique answers to the question of the American identity. However, the writers’ visions are similar regarding the key notions which are significant for the Americans without references to their origin and aspects of life. The image of an American can be based on the analysis of such features as the character traits, background, goals, possible challenges and obstacles. The position of Thoreau in relation to the American identity differs significantly from the views of Crevecoeur and Paine. In Walden, the author focuses on the personal d evelopment apart from the society. To find themselves, the Americans should live a simple life in the harmony with the nature without focusing on the material and wealth (Thoreau 603-604). Nevertheless, this idea is opposite to the developed American dream which characterizes Americans as persistent and goal-oriented persons who strive for the success and happiness. Thoreau’s American has the diverse cultural background, but he is free from the impact of the empires and societies. Furthermore, this American focuses on his inner world, self-development and self-reliance. Being close to the nature, this man should find the harmony of his world. The American’s main goal is to understand himself and follow a simple life full of natural obstacles (Thoreau 605-607). From this point, the image of Thoreau’s American is not tied to the concept of nation.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The discussed image reflects the features of any human living in the harmony with the world. Although Thoreau’s vision of a real American is rather philosophical, the author agrees that independence should be the main characteristic of the human life, and this point allows speaking about Thoreau’s image of a true American in the context of the national identity. An American described by Crevecoeur in Letter III: What Is an American? Is also independent and self-reliant as the image provided by Thoreau, but Crevecoeur proposes the more detailed description of the principles according to which the American identity can be defined. In his work, Crevecoeur follows the history of the nation’s development and focuses on the features which are important for the Americans to succeed in their country. To achieve the ideals of the American dream, the nation should be persistent and hard-working. The author pays much attention to the role of coloniz ation and further independence for the development of the American identity. Being only poor people in the European countries, the new Americans are citizens of the new world who have opportunities to develop their potential and achieve the American dream as the period of the greatest prosperity. According to Crevecoeur, the nation has the flourishing future because of the mixture of nations and Americans’ ability to reach the goals (Crevecoeur 304-308). The main challenge which can be associated with the development of the new nation is the necessity to build the new independent society, free from the European impact, focused on individualism and liberty, and worked out to promote the idea of the common good (Crevecoeur 304-308). Thus, Crevecoeur’s American is independent, self-reliant, hard-working, and responsible. The author is inclined to exaggerate the opportunities provided in America and the abilities of the Americans to achieve their goals, but the discussed i mage is closely correlated with the notion of the American dream and responds to the discussion of the American identity. Paine’s discussion of the American identity is based on the analysis of the background. The necessity to win freedom from the British Empire is discussed by the author as the driving force to direct the Americans’ actions. According to Paine, the Americans hope only for independence in order to live the appropriate life as free people (Paine 295-296). Thus, one more author states that pursuing for independence is the main feature which can characterize Americans in the context of their identity and historic development of the nation. Nevertheless, Paine adds to the list of the character traits typical for the Americans. The writer concentrates on the Americans’ humanity, their focus on justice, and equality. From this point, the main challenge which prevents the Americans from achieving their independence and freedom as the main goal is the c onsequences of the British Empire’s impact.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Issue of the American Identity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Following the ideas presented by Paine in his work, the Americans can be described as concentrated on the civil rights and freedoms and on their individualistic goals (Paine 295-296). As a result, the image of the Americans and their national identity are based on the ideals of justice, equality, and freedom. Paine’s ideas are more correlated with Crevecoeur’s discussion because Thoreau’s thoughts on the Americans are more utopian in comparison with the visions of the two other authors. If Paine and Crevecoeur focus on the social aspects of the Americans’ development, Thoreau is inclined to state that the individual progress is more significant that the focus on prosperity (Thoreau). Although Thoreau, Crevecoeur, and Paine choose differ ent aspects to focus on the discussion of the Americans, the particular features of their characters, their new life, intentions, and typical features, the basic ideas of the authors reflect each other. Thus, the complex notion of the American identity can be developed with references to the idea that the Americans are rather unique in their extreme focus on independence. The concept of independence and associated notions of freedoms and liberty are the basic values followed by the Americans in spite of their origin, cultural background, and social status. Independence, liberty, and freedom are the ideas which are mentioned in the works of the three authors who paid much attention to the discussion of the American identity. Moreover, referring to Thoreau, Crevecoeur, and Paine’s works, an ordinary American is a self-reliant, independent, honest, hard-working, and persistent person who is oriented to achieving the certain goal. The intention to reach prosperity and success can be discussed as the American dream which is typical for many representatives of the nation, and it is also the part of the American identity. Works Cited Crevecoeur, Michel-Guillaume Jean. â€Å"Letter III: What Is an American?† Harper Single Volume American Literature. Ed. Donald McQuade and Robert Atwan. USA: Longman, 1998. 301-315. Print. Paine, Thomas. â€Å"The American Crisis†. Harper Single Volume American Literature. Ed. Donald McQuade and Robert Atwan. USA: Longman, 1998. 294-299. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thoreau, Henry David. â€Å"Walden†. Harper Single Volume American Literature. Ed. Donald McQuade and Robert Atwan. USA: Longman, 1998. 602-697. Print. This essay on The Issue of the American Identity was written and submitted by user Delilah Cook to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Non-Gradable and Gradable Adjectives in Grammar

Non-Gradable and Gradable Adjectives in Grammar In English grammar, gradability is the semantic property of an adjective that identifies different levels or degrees of the quality it denotes, such as small, smaller, smallest. An adjective that is gradable (or scalar) can be used in the comparative or superlative forms, or with words such as very, fairly, rather, and less. Although many adjectives are gradable, not all of them are gradable in the same way. The big divide, says Antonio Fabregas, is the distinction between qualitative and relational adjectives (The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology, 2014). Examples and Observations There is a vast difference between better and best. You may be better than the rest, but you are not a success until you have made the effort to become the best you can be.(John Wooden, Coach Woodens Pyramid of Success. Regal, 2005)I want to go on record right now, that this is the most stupid, dimwitted, idiotic, moronic piece of putrefied garbage that I have ever in my entire professional career had the displeasure of being involved with.(Richard Dreyfuss as Chris Lecce in Another Stakeout, 1993)Happy insect! what can beIn happiness compared to thee?Thou dost drink and dance and sing,Happier than the happiest king!(Abraham Cowley, The Grasshopper)Gradable/Non-gradableAdjectives fall into these two subclasses according to two criteria: (1) whether the adjective can have a comparative and a superlative form; (2) whether the adjective can be modified by an intensifying adverb (e.g., very). For example, big is a gradable adjective: it can form a comparative (bigger) and a superlative ( biggest), and it can be modified by an intensifier (very big). On the other hand, the adjective wooden (i.e., made of wood) is non-gradable; it fulfills none of the criteria.(H. Jackson, Grammar and Vocabulary. Routledge, 2002) Adjectives are often considered to be the prototypical example of a gradable category. Degree expressions such as too are restricted to adjectives and morphological comparatives. This has led several linguists to conclude that gradability is a distinctive property of adjectives, while others rather insist on the fact that gradability is found across categories.(Jenny Doetjes, Adjectives and Degree Modification, in Adjectives and Adverbs: Syntax, Semantics, and Discourse, ed. L. McNally and C. Kennedy. Oxford University Press, 2008)The age is best which is the first,When youth and blood are warmer;But being spent, the worse and worstTimes still succeed the former.(Robert Herrick, Song)Gradability and Suppletion- Sometimes we find the phenomenon known as suppletion, where word forms of different historical origins stand in the same sort of relationship within a grammatical paradigm . . .. Thus, worse and worst stand in the same paradigmatic relationship to bad as poorer and poorest do to poor. . . . Both forms go back to the Old English period (Old English wyrsa and wyrst), and they have been the antonyms of better and best (Old English betra and betst) throughout their history in English, but the adjective in the general sense bad to which they correspond (again suppletively) as comparative and superlative in Old English is yfel (modern English evil).(Philip Durkin, The Oxford Guide to Etymology. Oxford University Press, 2009)- Good, better, best,never let it resttill your good isbetter, and yourbetter best.(This early-20th-century dictation exercise illustrates the  suppletive  comparative and superlative forms of the adjective  good.) The Lighter Side of GradabilityGeorge Costanza: Youre gonna over-dry your laundry.Jerry Seinfeld: You cant over-dry.George: Why not?Jerry: Same reason you cant over-wet. You see, when somethings wet, its wet. Same thing with death. Like, once you die, youre dead. Lets say you drop dead and I shoot you. Youre not gonna die again, youre already dead. You cant over-die, you cant over-dry.(Seinfeld)One closing grammar note: I got several letters from people who informed me that stupidest and stupider are not real words.To those people, I say, with gratitude and sincerity: Oh, shut up.(Dave Barry, Hoosier Your Daddy. The Baltimore Sun, January 12, 2003)

Friday, November 22, 2019

Acclimate vs. Acclimatise

Acclimate vs. Acclimatise Acclimate vs. Acclimatise Acclimate vs. Acclimatise By Maeve Maddox In my line of work, I’m used to comments that blame American speakers for usage that British speakers find annoying. For example: How is it possible for Americans to create acclimate from acclimatise? The effect on me is far worse than hearing math or off of. I share the commenter’s feelings regarding the redundant and ugly â€Å"off of,† as in â€Å"He fell off of the wagon† but fail to understand why math should bother him. In the case of maths vs math, both are clippings of the â€Å"real† word mathematics. Unlike the ridiculous â€Å"open-mic,† which is presumably intended to be pronounced â€Å"open-mike,† both math and maths conform to English spelling conventions. As for acclimate, the form is not an American creation. The earliest citation of acclimate in the Oxford English Dictionary- from a British printed source- is dated 1792. The earliest OED citation for acclimatize (not acclimatise) is dated 1802. Although acclimate is now labeled â€Å"chiefly US usage,† both forms have a long history in British English. The Ngram Viewer set to â€Å"American English† indicates that acclimatize and acclimate were in about equal use until the 1970s, when acclimate began its rise. Set to â€Å"British English,† the Ngram Viewer shows the two forms in equal use until the period of the American Civil War (1860s), when acclimatize gains ascendancy in British printed books. Set to â€Å"English,† the Viewer shows acclimatize as the dominant form until the 1950s, when it begins to decline. The form acclimate overtakes acclimatize and surpasses it in frequency in the 1980s. Of the spellings acclimatize and acclimatise, the former is more frequent, no matter which Ngram setting- â€Å"English,† â€Å"British English† or â€Å"American English†- is used. The OED entry for the word is not treated like analyze, for example, with British analyse placed first and American analyze second. The only word in red for the entry in the OED is acclimatize. Oxford Dictionaries online acknowledges the s spelling with the note, â€Å"also acclimatise.† The Cambridge online dictionary headword is acclimatize, with a note in parentheses: (UK  usually  acclimatise). A Google search brings up the following results: â€Å"acclimate† 857,000 â€Å"acclimatize† 500,000 â€Å"acclimatise† 424,000 I am not advocating the use of acclimate over acclimatize. Although I am an American speaker, I rather think that acclimatize is the form I would use to talk about something or someone having to become accustomed to new conditions. My intention is simply to point out that this so-called â€Å"Americanism† isn’t one. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a US Business LetterWriting the CenturyOne "L" or Two?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Increasing investment attractivness of CIS countries (ex-USSR Coursework

Increasing investment attractivness of CIS countries (ex-USSR countries) - Coursework Example De novo firms are very instrumental in the development of the transitioning countries. But, the development of the de novo corporations has been relatively lower, illustrating entry barriers. FDI of the energy sector is determined by long term aspects. They are also determined by the general investment climate, like corporate management, rule of law and transparency. Slovakia has significantly attracted FDI, because of the adequate volumes of oil and gas reserves. Inward FDI flows are approximately $790 million annually. Estonia has adequate net FDI inflows in Eastern Europe. This is due to the valuable oil and gas sector (Kudina 2014). Major FDI value originates from Western Europe, United States and Canada. Turkmenistan had an average inward FDI of $227 million. This was achieved through the production sharing arrangements between the oil sector and the non-oil sector joint ventures. Lithuania experienced a huge proportion of inward FDI, originating from the oil pipeline expansion projects, and the energy sector privatization. Latvia has inward FDI that greatly depends on huge mineral resources reserves. Inward FDI of Estonia is more diversified, illustrating the diverse industrial structure (Jakubial & Pacyzynski 2010). The major Latvia sectors getting major inflow FDI food, telecommunication and energy. The main source countries for the FDI are France, Russia and United States. Gazprom, a Russian company, has majority shares in Latgas, a Latvia gas company. The East European governments also make arrangements to cancel foreign debt, in exchange for equity; for example, the 100% equity of Hrazdan thermal plant, in exchange for cancelling debt (Khasson 2012). Some of the CIS countries have not adequately adopted the basic market reforms. This is the explanation for the low levels of FDI inflows, with a clear exception to the Yamal pipeline. The pipeline is owned and operated by Gazprom, but its

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Role of a Management Consultant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Role of a Management Consultant - Essay Example B., 2001). The same brand is part of a long, classic, one-on-one competition with its archrival, PepsiCo. Inc. Coca Cola experienced a rapid growth in sales and consumer –preference, thanks to Roberto Goizueta who raised Coca Cola to the heights of performance while he was CEO from 1981 to 1997. Using his sharp analytical skills and market foresight and risk-taking tendency, Goizueta took Coca Cola into the direction of high sales, increasing market-share, revenue gains and high profit margins. He revolutionized how the soda industry is run and showed the world that just by focusing on Coca Cola’s principle black beverage; the company became a top-notch giant. This very philosophy inspired Coke’s followers, and even the Board of Directors, which included tycoons such as Warren Buffet, Herbert A. Allen and Donald Keough. They remained admirers of this approach and frowned upon any notions of diversification, unlike what was happening inside PepsiCo. Throughout the nineties, through this very approach, Coca Cola saw its rise in the world of beverage as an undisputed winner over PepsiCo. Inc. Goizueta took some very successful decision during his time, one of which was to form a new company under the name Coca Cola Enterprises, in 1986, which handled the US bottling operations for Coca Cola. This, immediately, helped Coca Cola in terms of the debt burden and also, raised their stock volumes, while reassuring quality bottling and distribution. (Cravens & Piercy, 2009). According to Cravens and Piercy (2009), this move turned out to be quite a profitable one as Coca Cola could erase off $2.4 billion from the balance sheet. Moreover, having formed Coca Cola Enterprises, US bottling operations were handled well and timely distribution channels were assured. He was known to be risky, as he himself used to admit. His believes were of the nature that risk-taking is a necessity for growth and development. In a growing consumer-market, playing safe all the time could mean losing out on opportunities and business. Goizueta is renowned for another important move: his non-contemporary approach of globalization of brands. ‘Think global, act local’ was the underlying philosophy of Goizeuta to expand and capture foreign markets. Unlike the general wave of globalization, he insisted that, to develop a successful multinational brand, it was important to think globally while acting in the local context. He explained that standardization and uniformity represent a strong and consistent image of a brand and it triggers a sense of surety in the minds of consumers worldwide. This uniformity can help create a very powerful image of the brand; while also considering vital selling points and marketing campaign specifics of differing cultures and geographies. At the very end of all this positive period, it did become quite apparent that the direction in which Coca Cola was heading into, had a dead-end. Arguably, his headstrong, upfro nt style of leadership, even though raised Coca Cola to reach new heights in the short-run; however, his moves, somehow, created a recipe for future disaster. His decisions focused more on the bottling operations than the actual customers. It is important to note that Mr. Roberto Goizueta maintained that Coca Cola did not need diversification to increase revenue. Instead, according to Suhaib Riaz (2008), he borrowed millions

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cognitive Dissonance Essay Example for Free

Cognitive Dissonance Essay Solving a cognitive dissonance is a good way to look at all your cards on the table, so to speak. The definition of cognitive dissonance is A feeling of discomfort caused by a discrepancy between an attitude and a behavior or between two attitudes. (S.Carpenter, K. Huffman 2010). This is means that cognitive dissonance is a problem that involves how you feel and what you are doing to cause the problem. For an example: a man has stolen a car. He feels upset that he has stolen the car but he is in desperate need of money. The mans attitude is that stealing is wrong and his behavior is that he has stolen a car. To solve this cognitive dissonance, the man will have to either change his attitude (change his belief that stealing is wrong) or his behavior (Give back the car and never steal again). To solve cognitive dissonance you will have to, like I put it, put your cards on the table and resolve your problem(s). Like the stealing man I referenced, he noticed his problem was either his attitude for the whole thing or his behavior. To avoid cognitive dissonance, you can completely ignore the problem. Someone can be a doctor that chain smokes even though they have warned their patients of the dangers of smoking and completely ignore the attitude (guilt for being a hypocrite and endangering their own lives) and the behavior (smoking) and be a smoker without thinking anything wrong or good about it. One example of cognitive dissonance that happened to me is the first and only time I cheated on a test back in high school. I needed to pass an exam because I was out sick for a month and my grade was low. A student was selling the test answers for five dollars and I bought one. When I took the test, I was felt guilty for cheating. My attitude was that cheating was wrong yet my behavior was that I was cheating on my test. I choose to fix my attitude on the grounds of that I REALLY needed to pass the test with flying colors and I felt that studying wasnt going to cut it. It turns out that the test answers were from the wrong test and everyone who bought the answers, like me, failed. Luckily the teacher hated the turn out so much that she allowed everyone to retake it. I got a 95% on my own. I never cheated again.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Management and Leadership Essay -- Business Management Leading Leader

Management and Leadership Management and leadership are two words that are considered synonymous but describe two different concepts. According to the dictionary, management is the act, manner, or practice of managing; handling, supervision, or control; leadership is the capacity or ability to lead. In many organizations, management is a job description; leadership is a positive trait. The purpose of this paper is to distinguish between the two, to look at the responsibilities that come with leadership, and make suggestions about creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. Management is 'the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals' (Bateman-Snell, 2003, p. 14). Management is a theory and a way of doing business. Management is a process that is exercised in order for an organization to be successful. This process is usually broken down into four established functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Bateman-Snell, 2003, p. 14). The people within an organization that practice management are called managers. Managers are 'principally administrators' they write business plans, set budgets and monitor progress? (Maccoby, 2000, para 1). Other tasks handled by managers are problem-solving and facilitating meetings. Managers usually achieve their position through experience and understanding. A manager obtains authority through time and loyalty. A manager knows how the organization works and may also possess a good technical knowledge. People follow a manager because as employees, they are forced to, but preferably ?a manager is also a leader that people want to follow? (Maccoby, 2000, para 8). Leadership is ?one of the many assets a successful manager must possess? (The Difference, 1997, para 2). While management can be considered a position, leadership can be considered a relationship. Leadership is the connection between the leader and led that makes management successful. This connection can strengthen the organization and make the work more focused and effective. Leadership is the ability to get people to follow. A person who exhibits the trait of leadership is called a leader. A leader is a person who ?influences others to attain goals? (McGraw-Hill, 2003, p. 366). A leader exhibits special qualities that induce people to admire her. These qualities can include drive, moti... ...rs and great leaders. There are a variety of ways to practice good management and effective leadership. There is no one best way. Leadership is constant and continual developmental process. A successful leader appreciates the responsibilities that come with the role. The leader must find the right steps to establish and maintain a healthy organizational culture. It is important to design the culture by involving employees and inspiring them to follow it. By doing this, the culture will be a fulfilling one, and satisfied employees make a successful organization. Works Cited Bateman-Snell (Ed.). (2003). Management: The New Competitive Landscape, Sixth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Maccoby, M. (2000). Understanding the Difference between Management and Leadership. Research Technology Management, 43. Retrieved January 29, 2005 from http://www.maccoby.com/Articles/UtDBMaL.html. Schein, E. (n.d.) Organizational Culture and Leadership. Retrieved January 30, 2005, from http://www.tnellen.com/ted/tc/schein.html. The Difference between Management and Leadership (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2005, from http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/~gerard/MENG/ME96/Documents/Intro/leader.html. Management and Leadership Essay -- Business Management Leading Leader Management and Leadership Management and leadership are two words that are considered synonymous but describe two different concepts. According to the dictionary, management is the act, manner, or practice of managing; handling, supervision, or control; leadership is the capacity or ability to lead. In many organizations, management is a job description; leadership is a positive trait. The purpose of this paper is to distinguish between the two, to look at the responsibilities that come with leadership, and make suggestions about creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. Management is 'the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals' (Bateman-Snell, 2003, p. 14). Management is a theory and a way of doing business. Management is a process that is exercised in order for an organization to be successful. This process is usually broken down into four established functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (Bateman-Snell, 2003, p. 14). The people within an organization that practice management are called managers. Managers are 'principally administrators' they write business plans, set budgets and monitor progress? (Maccoby, 2000, para 1). Other tasks handled by managers are problem-solving and facilitating meetings. Managers usually achieve their position through experience and understanding. A manager obtains authority through time and loyalty. A manager knows how the organization works and may also possess a good technical knowledge. People follow a manager because as employees, they are forced to, but preferably ?a manager is also a leader that people want to follow? (Maccoby, 2000, para 8). Leadership is ?one of the many assets a successful manager must possess? (The Difference, 1997, para 2). While management can be considered a position, leadership can be considered a relationship. Leadership is the connection between the leader and led that makes management successful. This connection can strengthen the organization and make the work more focused and effective. Leadership is the ability to get people to follow. A person who exhibits the trait of leadership is called a leader. A leader is a person who ?influences others to attain goals? (McGraw-Hill, 2003, p. 366). A leader exhibits special qualities that induce people to admire her. These qualities can include drive, moti... ...rs and great leaders. There are a variety of ways to practice good management and effective leadership. There is no one best way. Leadership is constant and continual developmental process. A successful leader appreciates the responsibilities that come with the role. The leader must find the right steps to establish and maintain a healthy organizational culture. It is important to design the culture by involving employees and inspiring them to follow it. By doing this, the culture will be a fulfilling one, and satisfied employees make a successful organization. Works Cited Bateman-Snell (Ed.). (2003). Management: The New Competitive Landscape, Sixth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Maccoby, M. (2000). Understanding the Difference between Management and Leadership. Research Technology Management, 43. Retrieved January 29, 2005 from http://www.maccoby.com/Articles/UtDBMaL.html. Schein, E. (n.d.) Organizational Culture and Leadership. Retrieved January 30, 2005, from http://www.tnellen.com/ted/tc/schein.html. The Difference between Management and Leadership (n.d.). Retrieved January 29, 2005, from http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/~gerard/MENG/ME96/Documents/Intro/leader.html.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Reasons for Attending College or University Essay

Many people attend colleges and universities all over the world to study and conduct research. What are their expectations of the academic experience? In my opinion, people involved in collegiate programs have two main purposes: to gain the experiences and certificates that prepare them for future careers and to increase their knowledge about different aspects of life. Many people desire stable careers that deeply affect their lives. Therefore, good preparation for a future career is a necessity. To maintain and promote your position at a company, especially in certain kinds of jobs, you must have the knowledge and experiences that come from attending a college or university. The skills, spirit, and confidence you gain from studying help equip you for your work. Moreover, it is easier to find a good job when you have qualified certificates. Many well-educated people can carry out their tasks smoothly and methodically with more economization of time and strength than people who manage their work by learning from their failures. Another advantage of attending a college or university is the relationships you build with other people. These relationships help you improve yourself. In a collegiate environment, you learn how to work in groups and how to cooperate with your partners. You also learn to achieve mutual understanding, an essential and useful skill in your future work. The second reason for attending a college or university, increasing knowledge about many aspects of life, might seem a little impractical, but it is, in fact, very practical. Some people have the misconception that studying in college provides them only with knowledge relating directly to their major and that getting certificates is the most important purpose of attending college. With those goals in mind, they often neglect subjects that don’t seem to be applicable to their work. However, knowledge from college is not just useful for your job; it also is useful for many other things in life. For example, people with basic knowledge about literature, history, art, psychology, etc. might enjoy their lives more than unlearned people. They also might overcome difficulties and stress more easily, as well as have an acceptable and optimistic attitude toward obstacles and failures in their lives. Furthermore, cultivated people might treat others in their communities with more regard. Nothing you study in college is useless, and increasing knowledge is as important as getting certificates. The more knowledge you have, the more poetic your life is. Generally speaking, it’s always necessary to have a good education. In addition to obtaining the appropriate certificates, attending a college or university gives you a great opportunity to learn about many different things on both macroscopic and microscopic levels. While the specific reasons people attend colleges and universities might differ, the fundamental purposes are the same: they want to obtain the necessary training and education for their future careers and they want to learn about a variety of different subjects that will apply to their lives outside their future careers. Therefore, everyone who chooses to attend a college or university should always strive to reach their goals and aspirations. This section contains 509 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)| |.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Porter Five Forces Airlines Essay

Threats of Substitutes (Low) Product that able to represent other product function can be defined as substitute product (Wheelen and Hunger, 2002). Currently, there are no perfect substitutes for airline service, as airline service has the best range of destination, time-efficient and convenience. However, the fact that trains and air-transports are substitute is true, but the threat will only be high if it’s applied in domestic travel. Currently, the threat of substitutes for airline industry is low. In regards to the threats, Airline Company should keep innovate their service to prevent a perfect substitute. 2.2.2 Power of Buyer (Moderate-Low) The power of buyer can be defined as the ability of customers to affect an industry. This view has been supported in the work of Coulter (2008). The bargaining power of buyer in airline industry is relatively low because the number of buyers for this service is enormous and keeps increasing (IATA, 2010). Additionally, due to different specialty of countries, customers tend to go overseas for particular purpose that the destination country is good at (i.e. Singapore good at Medication), subsequently, going overseas somehow is becoming part of the lifestyle today. Hence, this can also be seen as the service is essential for particular customers which further down the bargaining power of buyer. Looking at another factor which is internet, it allows customers to easily make a comparison through information and price transparency and switch to other airline service. Overall, the bargaining power of buyer is still moderate to low, so organization can take this opportunity to provide excell ent service and charge premium price. 2.2.3 Power of Supplier (High) According to Collis and Montgomery (1997), power of supplier can be defined as the ability of suppliers to affect an industry. The power of suppliers in airline industry is relatively high, as fuel is one of the important attributes for airline service. This can be seen as the price of jet fuel price has risen 8% from January while the usage of airline keeps increasing (IATA, 2010). In addition, as the availability of substitute for fuel has not been found the bargaining power of supplier is still high. However, the  availability of jatropha-based- fuel will soon be available substituting the jet-fuel-based which will reduce the bargaining power of supplier in the future (Bloomberg Energy Finance, 2012). Moreover, the bargaining power of suppliers in airline industry is also reduced by the availability of internet. By the use of internet, one can purchase their supplies from suppliers around the world without any geographical boundaries. Hence, currently the power of supplier in th is industry is high. In this case, airline firms may want to create good and long term relationship with their suppliers to gain advantages. 2.2.4 Threats of New Entrants (Low) Threats of new entrants are the effect from possible entrants that affects an industry. According to Lynch (2009), potential entrants often come to marketplace when the barrier to entry is low and when profit margins are great. In airline service industry, the barrier is relatively high due to requirements of high capital in entering the industry (i.e. investment on terminal and airplane). Furthermore, as there are already several strong players in the industry, it is hard to enter and established at the market because brand identity in airline service need to be good and clear as it is involved with safety (customers will not use unknown airlines as it would be risky). Therefore, it will force the new entrants to spend extra capital to advertise more to fight the strong existing player. Overall, the threat of new entrants is low. Hence, seeing this barrier, existing firms may want to strengthen their branding to further increase the barrier to enter the industry. 2.2.5 Rivalry among existing Firms (High) Rivalry among existing firms refers to the degree in which firm react to moves from other firms within an industry (Pearce and Robinson, 2007). Due to the evolving technology like internet, it allows customers to switch to other company with no more than a click (i.e. moving to other airlines website), this clearly would make player in the industry to be intense. Moreover, due to needs of high investments (i.e. purchasing aircrafts and investment on the technology), it creates high barrier to exit the industry, as the aircrafts and technology that are expensive will be rendered as no-use for other business. While, for company that hire aircrafts for their  airline service also need to spend a lot of capital and usually involved with long-contract agreement and need long time to achieve break-even point or gain profit. Additionally, by the arrival of budget airlines which offer value for money airline service it affects the competition in airline industry to become more intense. Ove rall, the intensity of rivalry among existing firms is high. Therefore, airline firms may want to keep innovate their service and cope-up with the advancing technology so they will be able to provide advance and better service for better position at market.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on America The Contact Zone

America the Contact Zone Growing up in America with Taiwanese parents has given me a firsthand experience of what a contact zone is. My life experiences depict America as a â€Å"space of colonial encounters, the space in which peoples geographically and historically separated come into contact with each other and establish ongoing relations, usually involving conditions of coercion, radical inequality, and intractable conflict (Pratt 180).† My encounters with different people have shaped my opinions of life in this contact zone. I believe that prejudice does exist. I can’t say if acceptance and complete co-existence between cultures is possible, but there is a chance it is. As a little kid growing up, my parents influenced me a lot. My mother read to me when I was very young, she was determined to have me integrate into American society. Like the teacher Anzaldua mentions, my mom believed â€Å"to be American, speak American (Anzaldua 75).† My mother also encouraged child learning television programs, such as Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers’. In addition to encouraging me to become literate in English, my parents also instilled their values in me. Having lived in Taiwan most of their lives, my parents’ values were different from â€Å"American† values. I was taught to be quiet and obedient. My parents stressed the importance of never questioning authority and to work hard on whatever I do. My first experience of culture conflicts was in the first grade. I found many of my classmates unrefined and obnoxious. At the immature age of 6, I guess it is understandable for a child to act wild and to be loud. I thought most of the 6 year olds in my class were uncultured, however. The inculcation of my parent’s values within me made me different from the other children. My teacher Mrs. Friedman, would always complain to me about my reservedness. She would tell me I was a good kid, but I had to speak more. Mrs. Friedman thought I had soc... Free Essays on America The Contact Zone Free Essays on America The Contact Zone America the Contact Zone Growing up in America with Taiwanese parents has given me a firsthand experience of what a contact zone is. My life experiences depict America as a â€Å"space of colonial encounters, the space in which peoples geographically and historically separated come into contact with each other and establish ongoing relations, usually involving conditions of coercion, radical inequality, and intractable conflict (Pratt 180).† My encounters with different people have shaped my opinions of life in this contact zone. I believe that prejudice does exist. I can’t say if acceptance and complete co-existence between cultures is possible, but there is a chance it is. As a little kid growing up, my parents influenced me a lot. My mother read to me when I was very young, she was determined to have me integrate into American society. Like the teacher Anzaldua mentions, my mom believed â€Å"to be American, speak American (Anzaldua 75).† My mother also encouraged child learning television programs, such as Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers’. In addition to encouraging me to become literate in English, my parents also instilled their values in me. Having lived in Taiwan most of their lives, my parents’ values were different from â€Å"American† values. I was taught to be quiet and obedient. My parents stressed the importance of never questioning authority and to work hard on whatever I do. My first experience of culture conflicts was in the first grade. I found many of my classmates unrefined and obnoxious. At the immature age of 6, I guess it is understandable for a child to act wild and to be loud. I thought most of the 6 year olds in my class were uncultured, however. The inculcation of my parent’s values within me made me different from the other children. My teacher Mrs. Friedman, would always complain to me about my reservedness. She would tell me I was a good kid, but I had to speak more. Mrs. Friedman thought I had soc...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Analysis of Feathers, a Short Story by Raymond Carver

Analysis of 'Feathers,' a Short Story by Raymond Carver American poet and author Raymond Carver (1938 - 1988) is one of those rare writers who is known, like  Alice Munro, primarily for his work in the short story form. Due to his economical use of language, Carver is often associated with a literary movement known as minimalism, but he himself objected to the term. In a 1983 interview, he said, Theres something about minimalist that smacks of smallness of vision and execution that I dont like. Feathers is the opening story of Carvers 1983 collection, Cathedral, in which he began to move away from the minimalist style. Plot of Feathers SPOILER ALERT: If you dont want to know what happens in the story, dont read this section. The narrator, Jack, and his wife, Fran, are invited to dinner at the home of Bud and Olla. Bud and Jack are friends from work, but no one else in the story has met before. Fran is not enthusiastic about going.   Bud and Olla live in the country and have a baby and a pet peacock. Jack, Fran, and Bud watch television while Olla prepares dinner and occasionally tends to the baby, who is fussing in another room. Fran notices a plaster cast of very crooked teeth sitting on top of the television. When Olla enters the room, she explains that Bud paid for her to have braces, so she keeps the cast to remind me how much I owe Bud. During dinner, the baby begins fussing again, so Olla brings him to the table. He is shockingly  ugly, but  Fran holds him  and delights in him in spite of his appearance. The peacock is permitted inside the house and plays gently with the baby. Later that night, Jack and Fran conceive a child even though they had not previously wanted children. As the years pass, their marriage sours and their child demonstrates a conniving streak. Fran blames their problems on Bud and Olla even though she saw them only on that one night. Wishes Wishes play a prominent role in the story. Jack explains that he and Fran regularly wished out loud for things we didnt have, like a new car or the chance to spend a couple of weeks in Canada. They dont wish for children because they dont want children. It is clear that the wishes arent serious. Jack acknowledges as much when he describes approaching Bud and Ollas house: I said, I wish we had us a place out here. It was just an idle thought, another wish that wouldnt amount to anything. In contrast, Olla is a character who has actually made her wishes come true. Or rather, she and Bud together have made her wishes come true. She tells Jack and Fran: I always dreamed of having me a peacock. Since I was a girl and found a picture of one in a magazine. The peacock is loud and exotic. Neither Jack nor Fran has ever seen one before, and it is much more dramatic than any of the idle wishes theyve been making. Yet Olla, an unassuming woman with an ugly baby and teeth that needed straightening, has made it a part of her life. Blame Though Jack would place the date later, Fran believes their marriage began to deteriorate precisely on the night they had dinner at Bud and Ollas, and she blames Bud and Olla for it. Jack explains: Goddamn those people and their ugly baby, Fran will say, for no apparent reason, while were watching TV late at night. Carver never makes it clear exactly what Fran blames them for, nor does he make it clear exactly why the dinner gathering inspires Jack and Fran to have a baby. Perhaps its because Bud and Olla seem so happy with their strange, squawking-peacock, ugly-baby lives. Fran and Jack dont think they want the particulars - a child, a house in the country, and certainly not a peacock - yet perhaps they find they do want the contentedness that Bud and Olla seem to have. And in some ways, Olla does give the impression that her happiness is a direct result of the particulars of her situation. Olla compliments Fran on her naturally straight teeth while she herself had required braces - and Buds devotion - to fix her crooked smile. At one point, Olla says, You wait until you get our own baby, Fran. Youll see. And as Fran and Jack are leaving, Olla even hands Fran some peacock feathers to take home. Gratitude But  Fran seems to be missing one fundamental element that Olla has: gratitude. When Olla explains how grateful she is to Bud for straightening her teeth (and, more generally, giving her a better life), Fran doesnt hear her because she is picking through the can of nuts, helping herself to the cashews. The impression is that Fran is self-centered, so focused on her own needs that she cant even hear someone elses expression of gratitude. Similarly, it seems symbolic that when Bud says grace, Olla is the only one who says amen. Where Happiness Comes From Jack does note one wish that came true: What I wished for was that Id never forget or otherwise let go of that evening. Thats one wish of mine that came true. And it was bad luck for me that it did. The evening seemed very special to him, and it left him feeling good about almost everything in my life. But he and Fran may have miscalculated where that good feeling was coming from, thinking it came from having things, like a baby, rather than feeling things, like love and appreciation.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Project management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Project management - Case Study Example The company is seeking to recruit a new project manager to lead the project. This paper has set the recommendations necessary and recommends the vice president to use the score model to come up with the best solution. ABS has in recent years acquired two companies, which are General Maritime Protection and the Western general insurance in Calgary. These two acquisitions positioned it as a major insurer in Canada. These companies function autonomously up to this date even after the merging of the three companies under a single legal entity. That is why an IT strategic plan was necessary which provided an IMSP, which could be shared by the HRM, financial management and sales and marketing management. The IMSP could lead the ABS Canada to solve these underlying problems. Vice president Jean Roberge felt that he needed a project manager to help him with the IMSP project. This project was an important one for the organization since it could enable the three companies solves their underlying problems. That is why an ideal project manager is important. Jean Roberge should come up with a checklist and then use the scoring model to select the ideal project manager (Kloppenborg, 2011). The first step involves him coming up with a list analyzing and indicating the purposes of the project and decides which ability is more important to realize the purpose of the project. He should consider IT technical ability and the negotiation abilities between the three companies should be considered. The next stage is for Jean Roberge to consider the most important aspects of each criterion with considerations of the project’s blueprint. He then finds all the candidates and scores them according to their scores. He is then supposed to use the scoring model to get the rightful candidate. He obtains this by multiplying the scores of the criterion with their corresponding weight. It is important that

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Metaphysics and Mysticism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Metaphysics and Mysticism - Term Paper Example Various sections would analyze both the positions and stances. All relevant detailed philosophies and theories would also be considered. The main stance of the paper is a defense of the mysticism argument, not a critic of it. Analysis of the Controversial Views regarding Correlation between Metaphysics and Mysticism Every man and woman that has the desire to understand and know beyond the accepted limitations of physical reality is attracted to the unknown, and by this attraction, be pushed to learn what many do not and wish not. Everything that exists, whether inanimate or not, is connected with an energy binding all things together; to understand this, is to understand the basic principles of Metaphysics. Metaphysics encircles everything that we can perceive through our five senses. Metaphysical belief pushes beyond what is taught in the church or in the Bible, even. It allows one to go outside and sit with the rest of everything that has been created without the hands of man, that is still pure, and be able to feel what it's like to be the grass and the soil. Metaphysics is a way of life to many, and it is taught without teachers. These pages will contain a very brief introduction and explanation of metaphysics and several of its branches of ideas and philosophies. Some scholars believe that Aristotle's "Metaphysics" is only the follow-up or sequel to his extremely well renowned "Physics"; Meaning that Aristotle did not pioneer the spirituality that is now an important part in today's Metaphysics. "All men by nature, desire to know. An indication of this is the delight in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness, they are loved for themselves; and above all others, the sense of sight (Aristotle, 1977)." The first line of Aristotle's "Metaphysics" immediately shows his recognition that the typical five senses perceived by every capable human, are used only in the idea that they are the only way to perceive. Aristotle also states that "All men desire t o know." (Aristotle, 1977), allowing the argument that his thoughts were going toward that of which we cannot know from the five senses that we are born aware of. The argument as to Aristotle's beliefs in the subject can go either way because of an extremely important factor. So one may interpret Aristotle's work as one wishes, it was still his ideas that laid down the essential framework to get the Metaphysical idea moving. Discussion In order for anybody to be able to understand the following ideas and theories, one should take time to put themselves in an open-minded and relaxed state. Once you have entered this state, you will be able to comprehend and understand to the fullest of your capabilities. Relaxation is the ultimate medium for learning, and by being in control of your stress, you can be relaxed whenever you feel the need to, allowing quicker learning and easier understanding. Now things are going to get a little complicated and may begin to get confusing. First of all, there are three divisions of the mind; the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious. (Furse, 1977) These three divisions of the mind control the way we perceive and interact with others, ourselves, and our environment in general. We use these states of consciousness, sometimes entirely unaware of it, for different purposes

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Church Reformation in the 16th and 17th century Research Paper

Church Reformation in the 16th and 17th century - Research Paper Example This group rejected to live the previous ways; thus believed that the Judgment Day was near. They formed new societies and much confusion in the social order. The reformation contributed to issues such as the dead of the blacks, western rupture and eroding faith of people in the catholic churches. The fall of the Roman Emperor contributed to the reformation and circulation of protestant churches. Under the Roman Emperor Christianity spread and many churches evolved. The Roman Catholic Church, which became one of the most prominent churches to the councils evolved. It organized in Trent, which is an education centre for church teachings especially in the tradition and scripture issues. Council of the Trent is a convention of cathedral councils or theological professionals whose purpose is to resolve church policy matters or practices. The councils provide teaching programs for the community priests in order to augment pastoral care. This was initiated by the Roman Catholic Church unde r Pope Paul 1112 (Becchio and Johannes 98). The council of the Tent provided teachings, reasserted traditional practices and articulated dogmatic of the Catholic Church doctrines. These doctrines include the seven sacraments, celibacy, belief of taking wine and bread during the mass services, which they translated as the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Other doctrines included worship of remnants and saints whom they referred as the Holy Virgin Mary. Others included the significant of having faith and working towards achieving salvation. Moreover, the ecumenical councils of the Roman Catholic Church made a significant reform on dogmatic issues in the 16th and 17th century. The transformation known as the catholic reformation was the restoration era for the Catholics and it began with the Council of Trent. Some scholars consider the council of Trent as being responsible for Protestant Reformation. They laid strict issues, which the protestant minster nearly disputed. Pope Paul 111 re formed the Roman Catholicism in many European areas. In the first period of the Roman Catholicism, they church accepted the 3Nicene Creed as the basis for the catholic conviction (Queen, Prothero and Shattuck 76). They set the old and New Testament canons and fixed seven sacraments. However, this dogmatic ruled out the doctrines of Martin Luther’s beliefs of faith jurisdiction. The general council established the transubstantiation of doctrines and offered Episcopal authority verdict and other doctrine issues. However, many issues that contributed to protestant reformation started disappearing, and the church began to reclaim many of its followers by the end of the 16th century. The council of the Trent focused so much on education of the clergy because of varied reasons. First, they wanted to eradicate the mistreatments of the 4Catholic cathedral such as alms treats in order to advance the superiority of bishops. This was seen essential to the Catholics because they protesta nt churches criticized their teachings. Hence, they emphasized on the importance of the church teachings and created new rules that clergies were to follow. They followed the teachings of Martin Luther and Calvin and rejected any other reformation leaders. The council of Trent played considerable roles in renewing the catholic cathedral5 of Europe

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The design of the mortar bomb

The design of the mortar bomb It is important to do studies on existing information regarding the design of the mortar bomb. This will help in giving a critical review about the subject in this study which is the ammunition for 81mm mortar. This chapter will discuss about the parts of the mortar bomb, types of 81mm mortar ammunition, ballistic of mortar, fragmentation of the bomb, aerodynamic forces and moment acting, bomb stability and software used for simulation. From the research, all information will be the guideline in developing this study. This chapter will also increase the understanding of this study in order to ensure success at the end of the second semester. 2.1.1 Background of Mortar Mortars started to be developed when tactical trench lines came into use in the World War I. The objective was to bring casualty into the enemy trenches. The early idea and complex design was the German mine launcher, Minenwerfer but the archetype of a mortar was the British Stokes design in 1915 which was a simple tube with a fixed firing pin at the bottom end, where a bomb was dropped and ignited to launch the bomb out from the barrel to the target. Basically, mortar is a stumpy tube designed to fire a projectile at an angle higher than 45 degrees but lower than 85 degrees so that it falls on the enemy territory. Figure 2.1 (a): Minenwerfer (www.landships.freeservers.com) Figure 2.1 (b): Stokes Mortar (www.landships.freeservers.com) 2.1.2 Types of Mortar There are no precise definitions in categorising the mortar. Therefore it is helpful to group them as light, medium or heavy. Light Mortars Mortars of approximately 50 to 70mm size of calibre which are laid by hand meaning they have no baseplate or bipod and have very simple sighting systems. They are generally carried at platoon level. Figure 2.2: Light mortar (www.flamesofwar.com) Medium Mortars All other conventional man portable mortars, with calibres sizing up to approximately 110mm. They are usually pooled in specialist support sections at company or battalion level. They have base plate, bipods, and sophisticated sighting system. Figure 2.3: Medium mortar (www.gosfordhobbies.com.au) Heavy Mortars Mortars which are too heavy to be carried and which are therefore vehicle mounted or towed, although it should be noted that light and medium mortars are frequently vehicle mounted for tactical even though they may be man portable. Figure 2.4: Heavy mortar (www.missing-linx.com) 2.1.3 Mortar Ammunition It is the mortar bomb, a streamlined metal shell having stabilising vanes at the tail which is normally filled with explosives. The mortar bomb gained its thrust through the burning of an amount propelling charge placed in the tube. The size of mortar bomb varies depending on the inner diameter of the mortar. Mortar ammunition can be categorised depending on their fillings and purposed as: i. High Explosive (HE) is use for fragmentation and blast. It causes troop casualties and damage to light material. ii. Red Phosphorus (RP), White Phosphorus (WP) smoke. It is used to screen, signal, and act as an incendiary. iii. Illumination. Used to illuminate, signal, and mark. iv. Training Practice (TP). Training items are completely inert. Practice items may or may not contain explosive sections such as propellant charges or spotting charges. 2.2 Mortar Bomb Parts The construction of a mortar bomb is normally consists of fuze, casing with obturation baffles, cartridge and fin. Every part mentioned has different purpose on the bomb. Figure 2.5: A typical mortar bomb 2.2.1 Fuze The purpose of a fuze is to initiate a projectile when it strikes a target or at an appropriate point in its flight. It cannot be accidentally initiated in storage, transportation, or in the weapon when it is fired. Fuze used on mortar bomb is the nose fuze type, a simple percussion fuzes which function when the nose of the shell is crushed on impact with the target. This type of fuze is normally fitted to High explosives (HE) and white phosphorus smoke ammunition. Those used with HE shells often incorporate an optional delay setting which allows the projectile to penetrate the target before functioning. Figure 2.6: Projectiles with nose fuze (www.globalsecurity.org) 2.2.2 Casing The casing carries fillings which determine the purpose of the ammunition. For HE fillings, it is designed to provide maximum fragmentation during explosion when detonated by the fuze. The material used in governing the casing is normally forged steel and cast iron. Figure 2.7: Cut-section of the casing 2.2.3 Obturation The diameter of a mortar bomb must be less than that of the tube from which it is to be fired or otherwise it could not be loaded. For the bomb to drop straight to the bottom of the barrel without being supported on a cushion of air there must be a gap between the outer wall of the bomb and the inner wall of the tube. This gap is known as windage. Windage allows expanding propellant gases to flow past the bomb and vent into the atmosphere and thus lower the thrust of the bomb when it is launched. Obturation provides a close down to this gap. Obturating Baffles To prevent the excessive loss of gas on firing is to machine series of baffles around the widest part of the casing. The baffles create turbulence in the windage gap between the bomb and the internal surface of the barrel, and thus prevent the gases from flowing freely upwards. Figure 2.8: Obturating baffles system (Cranfield Institute of Technology) Obturating Ring One of the most significant advances in modern mortar bomb design was the invention of the plastic obturating ring, an expanding split ring sitting in a single groove in the bomb casing. This system provides excellent obturation. Figure 2.9: Obturating ring system (Cranfield Institute of Technology) 2.2.4 Cartridge Cartridge carries propellants. Upon firing, a pin strikes the primer at the base of the cartridge and ignites the propellant powder, which burns rapidly and generates expanding gases. The gases are forced down the length of the barrel, pushing the projectile in front of them and eventually out of the barrel. Primary Cartridge The primary cartridge carries the initiating system and the first increment of the propelling charge. It fits into the central channel in the spigot of the tail section. When the propellant in the primary cartridge is ignited, the cartridge ruptures at point corresponding to the holes in the tail spigot. The flames which come from the tail spigot then ignite the augmenting cartridges, which are fitted around the tail of the bomb. Augmenting Cartridge Most mortar bombs have augmenting cartridges which are ignited by the primary cartridge and which provide the full charge for achieving maximum range. For firing at shorter range, increments can be removed quickly and discarded. Figure 2.10: Primary and augmenting cartridge (Royal Ordnance) 2.2.5 Fin Fin provides stability to the projectile. Attached fin projectile does not need some sort of rifling bore to be launched since it does not require spinning in order to gain stability in flight. 2.3 Ballistic of Mortar Ballistic is characteristic for the motion of objects moving under their own momentum and the force of gravity. Mortars operate at low pressure compared to guns. It is possible to increase the pressure generated in the bore on firing but this requires a stronger, and heavier barrel and a bigger baseplate. Such solutions are possible for vehicle-mounted or towed equipments, but not for manportable mortars. All the work done by the expanding propellant gases in accelerating the bomb to its maximum velocity is achieved in the short distance travelled in the bore by the widest part of the bomb, which carries the obturating ring or baffles. After this part of the bomb has emerged from the muzzle the expanding gases continue to accelerate through the increasing gap into the atmosphere. In a typical mortar the distance travelled in the bore by the obturating part of the bomb is less then one meter. Any increase in this distance would produce a higher muzzle velocity and thus increased range, but this would be at the expense of portability. The muzzle velocity of typical 81-mm mortar bomb fired at maximum charged is around 300 m/s and this produces a maximum range in the region of 5000-6000 m. The tactical need for the infantry to engaged targets beyond this range is not so great as to outweigh the advantages of current weapon systems, with their portability, flexibility and speed into and out of action. Most mortar fire bomb at subsonic velocities and this avoids the ballistic complication of the transonic and supersonic zones. It is called subsonic if all the speeds considered are less than the speed of sound, transonic if speeds both below and above the speed of sound are present, supersonic when the flow speed is greater than the speed of sound. In the past the transonic zone presented a barrier through which mortar bomb could not fly without becoming catastrophically unstable, but this was largely the consequence of crude manufacture and assembly which resulted in asymmetric and inherently unstable ammunition. Modern mortar bomb are manufactured to close tolerance and they are thus more stable in flight an can be fired at supersonic velocities if greater ranges are required. Tampella long-barrelled 81-mm, 120-mm and 160-mm mortars fire bombs at muzzle velocities of up to 400 m/s. 2.4 Fragmentation The act of fragments scattering after the bomb is detonate. Fragmentation performance is controlled by fragment mass, fragment velocity and payload. 2.4.1 Fragment Mass Factors governing fragment mass are: i. material properties of the casing ii. thickness of casing wall iii. quantity of explosives iv. detonation velocity of explosives The material of the casing must be neither excessively ductile nor excessively brittle. 2.4.2 Fragment Velocity Factors governing fragment velocity are: i. Quantity of explosive inside casing ii. Energy of the explosives iii. Density of casing material To calculate fragment velocity, Gurney Formula is used: V = (2E) . [ (C/M) (1+C/2M) ] Where: V is the fragment velocity E is the Gurney explosives constant C is the mass of explosives per unit length M mass of casing per unit length Variations in the parameters would lead to a combination of fragment size and velocity which could be optimised for particular applications. In the case of mortar casing, the constraints imposed on the shape by aerodynamic considerations and on both shape and material choice by structural considerations will mitigate against an ideal fragmentation performance. 2.4.3 Payload It is usually desirable to carry the maximum high explosives payload to the target. Such considerations can therefore have a substantial effect on the design of extended range projectiles solutions may include using an extended length of ogive to reduce drag or use a sub-calibre round or to use base bleed. These solutions compromise the payload carrying capacity. 2.5 Aerodynamic Forces and Moment Acting On the Bomb The aerodynamic forces and moments which have measurable effect on a finned type projectile are the drag force, lift force, and pitching moment. Once the projectile leaves the muzzle, its trajectory is determined by many forces. Primarily, gravity exerts a constant pull on the body and acts through the centre of gravity which is determined by the distribution of weight throughout the body. Gravity always produces a uniform vertical acceleration of about 9.8 m/s2. Figure 2.11: Forces and moment during flight (Arrow Tech) 2.5.1 Centre of Gravity An unspin projectile must have its centre of gravity well forward so that it travels nose first. This governs the shape of the typical mortar bomb, which is wide at the nose and tapers toward the tail. The tail assembly must be as light as possible, and in modern designs this is achieved by making of lightweight aluminium alloy. If the bomb body is roughly cylindrical, as in a bomb used as a carrier for an ejecting payload such as smoke canisters or bomblets, the centre of gravity can be moved forward in relation to the overall length of the complete bomb by fitting a long tail boom. 2.5.2 Centre of Pressure The centre of pressure is the point at which wind forces exert no turning moment, and in any unspun projectile this point must be behind the centre of gravity. The lift generated by the fins of a mortar bomb provides a force the move the centre of pressure towards the rear, behind the centre of gravity. This generates a restoring moment that rotates the projectile through its centre of gravity towards the direction of its trajectory, thus progressively reducing yaw. 2.5.3 Drag Force Drag force opposes the forward velocity of the bomb. Drag forces act at the centre of pressure which is a function of the bodys shape and are in the opposite direction as the motion of the bomb. There are three types of drag force that apply, which are: i. Skin drag- friction on the outer surface as it moves through the air ii. Shape drag- caused by low pressure behind the body due to the flow of air around its shape. iii. Wave drag a loss of energy that is put into acoustic waves as the body passes through the air. Particularly strong near the speed of sound in air. Drag coefficient is mainly dependent on the shape of the bomb. In addition to this shape-related coefficient, the aerodynamic drag also depends on the frontal area of bomb, the air density, and the square of the relative air speed. The relationship between drag and these factors can be expressed by: Drag = Where: A is the frontal area is the density of the air is the speed of the bomb relative to the air 2.6 Stability of the Bomb Mortar bomb obtain stability through the use of fins located at the aft end of the bomb. Normally, six, eight, ten or twelve fins are employed. Additional stability is obtained by imparting some spin to the bomb by canting the leading edge of the fins. Fin-stabilized projectiles are very often sub-calibre. A sabot, wood or metal fitted around the projectile, is used to centre the projectile in the bore and provide a gas seal. Such projectiles vary from 10:1 to 15:1 in length-to-diameter ratio. Fin-stabilized projectiles are advantageous because they follow the trajectory very well at high-launch angles, and they can be designed with very low drag thereby increasing range and/or terminal velocity. However, fin-stabilized projectiles are disadvantageous because the extra length of the projectile must be accommodated and the payload volume is comparatively low in relation to the projectile length. For projectiles fired without spin or only with a small spin the stabilising influences mu st be created by aerodynamic forces. For the bomb to be stable, the center of pressure location is required to be behind the center of gravity location when measured from nose. 2.7 PRODAS Simulation software is very important in order to simulate data and to see the behaviour of the projectile. Utilisation of simulation software reduces the cost and the probability of failure for this study. In this study, simulation is the main method determining the projectile behaviour in term of ballistic theory generally, external ballistic theory specifically. PRODAS is produce by the Aero Tech, an Engineering Consulting business with a focus on the defence industry. This software is focuses in advance weapon design with the standard world integrated weapon design tool. Simulation tools provided by PRODAS are: i. Modelling Build a model from a drawing or even a picture. ii. Aerodynamics Compare aerodynamic coefficients from multiple aero estimators. iii. Launch Dynamics Interior ballistics, balloting and jump. iv. Trajectories Fly 4DOF, 6DOF and Body Fixed and Guided Trajectories. v. Terminal Effects Estimate penetration of KE projectiles and lethality of fragmenting or shaped charge warheads. 20

Friday, October 25, 2019

Shark Population Decline Essay example -- Sharks Extinction Populatio

Every Jaws fan knows the shark gets it in the end. What they do not know is that too many sharks have gotten it; and that has caused a rapid decline in the shark population over the past thirty years. Since the 1970's, sharks of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico shores have declined eighty-five percent. Sharks are vital animal to our world's ecosystem, and if the decline is not controlled; we could be facing devastating problems in years to come. Information has been obtained from two books: The Shark Almanac by Thomas B. Allen and Sharks, An Introduction for the Amateur Naturalist by Sanford A. Moss. Sources also include a number of online references, among them BBC News, ENS News, The New York Times, and two online scientific journals: Congruent Trends in Long-term Zooplankton Decline in the North-east Atlantic and Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) Fishery Catches off West Ireland and Shitfting baselines and the decline of pelagic sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. Sources conclu de with two brief articles: one written for USA Today by Traci Watson, and the second written for Newsweek by Lucy Howard and Paul O'Donnell. The informational taken from these sources include topics such as history of fishing for sharks and what their body parts are used for, the decline in the shark population, and why it is so harmful, and what measures need to be taken to control the shark population. Articles also illustrate how the decline in sharks has been portrayed to the general public and they are reacting. For centuries, humans have been hunting sharks for sport, food, medicine and leather with little regards for the health of the shark population (Allen, 1999). Sharks are considered one of the most challenging fish to catch, and their ... ...ating to scientific reality, most of the articles you find on the topic speaks the writer's opinion on the matter and interrelated scientific facts, true facts and statistics that are mostly found in books scientific journals. Sharks have been around for over 400 million years. They out lived the dinosaurs and other terrestrial species. Today, they live much like they did then, with little evolutionary changes. There are 375 different species of sharks, but if the problem with managing the populations of sharks will continue if change is not made. If everyone cannot agree on a way to stop the rapid declines there will be serious consequences on our environment, especially our oceanic plankton. We have seen that because of our need to want luxurious objects and delicate meals has caused a problem so big in our oceans ecosystems we cannot tell what it has done.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

‘Of Mice and Men’ †novel and film comparison Essay

This is a comparison between Steinbeck’s original novel Of Mice and Men and the 1992 film version. I will be comparing the two beginnings, the presentation of Curley’s wife, and the treatment of a powerful scene. Of Mice and Men is one of those classic stories about friendship, loyalty, sacrifice and broken dreams. The 1992 film was directed by Gary Sinise, who also played the part of George Milton. This film was in fact the first film he had ever directed and I believe it to be very successful. The film follows the overall content of the novel, however, there are some key differences: The introduction to the film has two complete differences, the presentation of Curley’s wife, and also the treatment of a powerful scene, which will be focused on the ending. In the beginning of the Novel, it is set in Soledad. Steinbeck creates a very tranquil opening and gives the impression that it hasn’t been disrupted by human interference. ‘’On the sand bank under the trees the leaves lie deep and so crisp that a lizard makes a great skittering if he runs among them’’. However, even before the reader is introduced to the two protagonists, Steinbeck includes that this peaceful, animal inhabited area is frequently interrupted my humans. ‘’a path beaten hard by boys coming down from the ranches to swim in the deep pool, and beaten hard by tramps who come wearily down from the highway in the evening to jungle-up near water.’’ This quote shows that this has been a place humans have to for a long time. The use of the word’s ‘beaten hard’ is associated with a path which has been walked on for many years. This tells the reader that however peaceful the area may be, it has always been trespassed by humans. The animals react in fear due to the sound of footsteps mentioned again. This also suggests that the animals are not used to humans entering their little world and thus they hide away. ‘’The rabbits hurried noiselessly for cover. A stilted heron labored up into the air and pounded down river. For a moment the place was lifeless, and then two men emerged from the path and came into the opening by the green pool.’’ The description of George and Lennie’s entrance indicates that George appears to be in change. ‘’They had walked single file down the path, and even in the open, one stayed behind the other.’’ This shows the reader that there isn’t a close bond of friendship, but more of a leader and a follower, i.e. George being the leader, and Lennie the follower. The description of George and Lennie gives the reader a sense of their characters immediately. ‘’The first man was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose.’’ This shows the reader that George is a man of intelligence and means business. Lennie’s description on the other hand is described as someone who is quite the opposite. ‘’Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely.’’ Lennie is described physically with a great use of animal imagery. This adds to the fact that Lennie does lack intelligence. In his description he indicates that Lennie is also someone in need of guidance and cannot think on his own accords which could conclude why George is with him. The beginning of the film is very different compared to the novel. It isn’t shown as peaceful at all. In fact the music used gives a great feeling of intensity and panic. When the piano is included with the rhythm of the violin, it adds a sense of hopelessness. There are notes played on a higher scale of the piano which insist a sense of innocence, however, nothing is suggesting happiness. The opening scene begins on a train with George sitting alone looking very strong in the darkness of the carriage. Although the train is very dark, beams of light shine through from gaps in the wooden walls. The scene is then changed to a much brighter atmosphere with a young woman running in a field in Weed – George and Lennie’s home town. However, music is still very fast and tense which prepares the audience again that this is a sad story. George and Lennie are being chased by men with guns on horseback. It is clear to the audience that George is in charge just by seeing that he is leading the way and telling Lennie what to do. We then see George and Lennie escape, sneaking onto the train and we hear the first convocation between George and Lennie which again indicates that George is in charge as he merely tells him to ‘’shh’’ and ‘’Go to sleep’’. Lennie responds with simple use of the English language which again shows the audience that he has some kind of disability. It’s quite ironic really because Lennie is in a very big character although he cries and depends on George for the majority of things. The incident in Weed is not running in a chronologically compared to the novel as we are introduced to the incident before we actually meet the characters. At the very beginning when we first see George, it is as if the incident in Weed is his memory and he is pondering on it as him and Lennie travel to their destination on the farm in Soledad. In the novel, the readers are introduced to the incident in Weed later on in the novel when George and Slim have a conversation on the Ranch. In the film, the audience is introduced to the Ranch with very country-like music which is fairly happy and uplifting compared to the musical piece the audience are introduced to at the very beginning. In the novel, Curley’s Wife is first mentioned through a conversation with George and Candy. Candy makes it seem like Curley’s Wife is a bit of a flirt before the reader is even introduced to her by saying that even though she is married she’s ‘got the eye’. However, although she isn’t exactly happy being with Curley, she just wants some attention. When the reader is introduced to her she is described wearing very a rather lot of makeup. ‘’She had full, rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red.’’ Curley’s Wife wears a lot of red. Red is seen as the most intense colours and is very noticeable. The fact that she wears a lot of red indicates that she wants to be noticed. ‘’She wore a cotton house dress and red mules, on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers.’’ As she lives on a farm, she is not really dressed appropriately for the wife of a rancher. However, Curley ignores Curley’s Wife so it is of no surprise that she is wearing things to attract the other men on the farm. Her body language insists that she is very provocative as if she is tempting the men to go after her. ‘She put her hands behind her back and leaned against the door frame so that her body was thrown forward.’ Lennie is very much attracted to her although George and the other men are not. This kind of suggests that Lennie will have something to with her although not in a sense of sexual nature, but similar to the same incidence in Weed where Lennie was accused of attempting rape towards the girl running away when he was only caught up in stroking her dress that he would not let go. In section four of the novel, there is a part where Curley’s Wife enters looking for Curley although in the film this was left out. Perhaps to ensure that Curley’s Wife was wanted to be seen by Gary Sinise as someone who needed sympathy from the audience. During this part of the novel, Curley’s Wife describes her relationship with Curley. ‘’Sure I gotta husban’. You all seen him. Swell guy, aint he? Spends all his time sayin’ what he’s gonna do to guts he don’t like, and he don’t like nobody. Think I’m gonna stay in that two-by-four house and listen how Curley’s gonna lead with his left twice and then bring in the ol’ right cross?’’ This creates a lot of sympathy towards Curley’s Wife as she is obviously rejected by Curley to the point where she isn’t even properly included. The fact that as the reader, we don’t even know her name also suggests that she is unimportant towards Curley and the other characters. Crooks quickly turns on Curley’s Wife insisting that she leaves, however, she has a lot of power over him considering she’s white and back then, black people were simply just slaves and were resented by a lot of people. Knowing that, Crooks backs down almost to a point where he is leaning against the wall. ‘’Listen Nigger/ You know what I can do to you if you open your trap? †¦ Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.’’ This is practically the only time that Curley’s Wife has some kind of power over someone, and because he is treated no better than an animal as he lives next to the barn where all the animals are and not even in a properly built home, more of a shed, suggests that Curley’s Wife only really has power, or a chance to step in on her own accords is towards Crooks. Section five is where Curley’s Wife initially dies due to her trust, and lack of self control in Lennie. Steinbeck has been implying that Curley’s Wife was just really an innocent young woman and all the makeup was just an act for attention. ‘’the meanness and the plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face. She was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young.’’ Again the amount of makeup she had on makes her look as if she were still alive ‘’Now her roughed cheeks and her reddened lips made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly.’’ In the film, the audience are introduced to her again like in the novel looking for Curley. She is dressed in a pink floral dress unlike in the novel where she is wearing mostly red. However she is wearing red lipstick although her eyes are not heavily made up but it is noticeable that she is wearing eye makeup. It is clear that she is not wearing heels because the sounds of her foot steps are quite bold. Compared to the book she is a lot less provocative but the way she speaks to the men on the farm is very flirtatious and her body language is very suggestive, for example she pushes her chest forward and places her hands on her hips which could insinuate her wanting more than just somebody to talk to, although we know she just wants somebody to talk to. When Curley’s Wife leaves, George’s immediate response is towards Lennie is for him to stay away from her due to the incident in Weed. There are three added scenes featured in the film. These were most likely included to show the audience how Curley’s Wife has no sympathy or consideration from the other men at the barn and how Curley himself treats his wife with little consideration. The barn scene, being the first added scene is where we see George taking a tired out horse back to the barn where he also encounters Curley’s Wife. The way she talks to George is very flirtatious and almost as if she is leading him on, however she then goes on about how she wants somebody to talk to her because Curley himself doesn‘t give her any attention and is undoubtedly trying to better himself compared to the other men, thus why he picks on Lennie, who is a lot taller than him and certainly much more stronger. The second added scene is The Speed Ball Scene where we see Curley punching away at the speed ball. This could have been added to enhance the audiences awareness that he is constantly aggressive and obsessed with fighting. Curley’s Wife is sat levelled above Curley with no body around and is clearly very lonely and extremely bored. With all the men working on the farm in the background, and Curley, although not working himself, is still not giving his wife a second thought. This is a clear indication that Curley’s Wife is isolated on the ranch and I think it emphasises the description given about her dead body in section 5 of the novel where underneath all of the makeup and desperate attempts for some attention, she was merely just a sweet, innocent and lonely girl. The final added scene in the film is The Broken Record Scene. She is wearing no makeup and obviously had been crying and is completely on her own. She vents about what had happened – Curley got aggressive and smashed all of her four records therefore not being able to play them which reminds the audience of Curley‘s violent nature. The reaction is pitiful and it is obvious that nobody taking any consideration for her. Curley’s Wife then runs off saying that if she ran away no one would miss her etc which could be suggesting her death. All of the added scenes help to enhance the audience’s awareness from the beginning of the film that Curley’s Wife should be seen in a very sympathetic perspective and this is not clear in the novel until Steinbeck’s description of her dead body. A very good example of a powerful scene would be the very ending of both the novel and the film. In the novel, Steinbeck sets the scene for the ending which takes place in Salinas River. He describes the surroundings beautifully and authentically just like in the beginning of the novel which creates a very peaceful image for the reader. ‘’The deep green pool of the Salinas River was still in the late afternoon. Already the sun had left the valley to go climbing up the slopes of the Gabilan mountains, and the hilltops were rosy in the sun.’’ Nevertheless, the peaceful scene is spoiled even before the arrival of Lennie as Steinbeck creates an image that suggests death and readies the reader for what is about to unfold. ‘’A silent head and beak lanced down and plucked it out by the head, and the beak swallowed the little snake while its tail waved frantically.’’ As Lennie arrives he begins to have two hallucinations which are not shown in the film. The first hallucination is of his Aunt Clara and through the conversation brought about by Lennie’s imagination, his greatest fears are revealed. George’s reaction to what Lennie has done and the fact that Lennie has no real understanding of the seriousness of what he has done, which enhances his guilt feeling because he knows that he has disappointed George. The conversation then leads on to Aunt Clara making him feel even more guilty because George has done so much for Lennie and all he does is give him grief when George could do so much more without him. Lennie’s second hallucination is of a rabbit. This is could be a symbol of Lennie’s childlike nature and how the only real bad thing he can think of is how George will not allow him to look after the rabbits and the fact that he will now leave him. The conversation with the rabbit could also show how Lennie is very naà ¯ve and is convinced George will not leave him or get mad. The novel and the film are very similar as far as the conversation between George and Lennie are concerned. In the novel, it is prolonged to gradually build up tension for the reader when they realise that George is going to shoot Lennie. When he finally does, it is clear that this has traumatised George and is a very dreadful thing for George to undergo. ‘’George shivered and looked at the gun, and then he threw it from him, back up on the bank, near the pile of old ashes.’’ George is comforted by Slim and is taken for a drink. However, the reader is reminded of the ignorance by society as they are blinded by what George has just had to go through, which ends the novel. Then ending of the film is very sad. Lennie is found and comforted by George’s voice and soon by ‘The American Dream’ which is referred to several times throughout the film. The audience are unaware of what is about to happen as when George finally shoots Lennie it is very sudden. The music, played at the beginning of the film is again brought back, which is very touching and adds for a great effect to what has just occurred. Instead of the hallucinations Lennie’s fears are brought into the convocation between him and George and are much shorter than in the novel. In the novel, it begins and ends at the Salinas River where as in the film it begins and ends with George sat on the train. Just like at the beginning, there are flash backs, but this time of George and Lennie together. This indicates that George has spent the majority of his time with Lennie and they had a very brotherly relationship. The flash backs could imply George being deeply upset due to t he fact he has killed his best friend.